George likes protecting things!
As he should!
Indy likes playing games.
And Timothy likes dropping acid!!! ;>
PF likes hanging around in pockets.
If he could, alien frog wood.
MMM likes the sound of his own names.
So one day, these frogs, plus Timothy Frog were out for a walk...
George went first to make things were safe.
And Timothy kept making fun of him!
Indy wanted to find new friends to have fun with.
But alien frog though things were getting crowded as is!
PF liked the view from on top of Timothy Frog.
Suddenly, Frog decided to make the story more coherent, so he
told Melvin to look for things starting with the letter M. He saw
that really stupid helpers would probably fall into and die cause they too dumb to find their way out, or to do just about anything else for that matter. So frog started to make a cool building out of
cool green glowing necklaces. When he was done he
he billions and billions of cool necklaces all
around the mindless mazes. Melvin asked Frog if this would help.
But alien frog remained sceptical.
And, George worried for the safety of all of them

Suddenly, George, NOT FROG WHO IS WRITING, WHY EVERYONE WRITE ABOUT SELF!?!?!?! said to Melvin:
It probably is safe, but maybe we should check
Timothy told Melvin to maybe suggest they try knocking it over to see what would happen...
And, Melvin thought that sounded like a fun idea.
Alien frog, tried to pretend it was Melvin doing all the structural calcualtions,
But, everyone knew it wasn't. They knew who the smart frog was.
It was Frog PILLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!